dear velocity,

Full HD and found footage, color, stereo, 11'24''

Starring: Yueqing Yao | Music: xiaoyu1002 | Singer: zoee.wav

dear velocity is an attempt to revisit the now-demolished "Space Wonder" amusement park (航天奇觀) in my hometown Guangzhou, once home to a replica of the Space Shuttle Atlantis and a massive spaceship—icons of an era defined by aspirations for technology, the future, and globalization. Crowdfunded by local farmers, the park symbolized the collective dreams and embrace of globalization by Chinese citizens during a period of rapid change.Through moving images and music, the project, viewed from the fresh perspective of a younger generation, questions whether the past was merely an imagined fantasy while offering a counternarrative to the decoupling process between China and the U.S., and broader trends of de-globalization and rightward shift. 

It probes the significance of abandoned monuments, asking how we might reinterpret and preserve the hopes they once embodied. By exposing the editing process within the video, dear velocity also examines whether reenactment can transcend mere aesthetic mechanisms while avoiding excessive sentimentality.

*The replica of NASA Atlantis was dismantled during the post-production process of the film.



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